
Asgardian approved beverage holder

Posted by Ryan J Pitts on 22nd Aug 2015

Hey strength seekers

A major factor in overall good health is the ability to control your stress levels.  So many people think that stress is something that happens to them.  If you're alive there is stress. Period.  How you deal with or perceive the things that stress you are what counts. Throughout your life you have been conditioned one way or another.  I've been fortunate enough at a young age to have a thirst for knowledge and a desire to be better.  What does that mean you ask?  I was a super shy introverted kid.  Deathly afraid of speaking or getting up in front of people.  No, I'm not the only one. But, I wanted to overcome this.  Books. I found books, and I read them.  Never getting enough.  One way I've found to overcome current feelings, perspectives, is to get new views and test them out for myself.  Fears are not bad, they are simply circumstances that are not fully understood and mental perceptions that are usually untrue. 

Here are a few conclusions that I've found to help me keep perspective.

1) Life is good if you want it to be good.

2) Find something that you can connect to that puts everything else in proper perspective.  

3) Use your imagination for good.  Fear is using your imagination against you.  Why not imagine overcoming obstacles instead of fearing them. Ever since I was a kid I loved superheroes.  Superheroes overcome, even in the direst of circumstances.  Don't grow up, be a dog gone superhero in your life.

4)Choice and Responsibility.  TWO things in your life in which you control.  Damn right. No matter what has happened, is happening or will happen in your life is because of choices that YOU have made. Take responsibility for them and if you like them, move forward, if you don't, make different choices and move forward.  Always forward, with your thinking and taking action.  Make life simple by really grabbing these two things and owning them.  

5) This is MASSIVE so listen carefully.  There are things in our lives we can control, and things we simply cannot. Two of these things are listed above. Focus on them, everything else, let it be, because you will be fighting a losing battle.  Be consumed by a vision of what better means to you. Better health, better relationships, better mindset, better everything.  Make time to plan what better means to you, then make a plan, take action. Better choices and taking responsibility for what happens.  There is no failing or experimenting and moving forward. 

6) Relax, enjoy. I have not always had this mind set. It was a choice and learned behavior. I say this because many people hold on to the idea that "I am how I am, nothing I can do about it." Bullshit is all I can say. Politely of course. We would not survive if this was true. Change is necessary.  

This leads me to my Thor Beverage Holder:) Yeah, this post started with this in mind went somewhere else and ended full circle.  I enjoy craft brews, not excessive, I'm too busy making gear and coming up with new stuff, so getting shit faced is a rare thing for me. As a cool conversation piece, a bad ass coozie in shape of  Thor hammer made sense. Check out these pictures.